
Child and Adolescent Care for Community Health Workers has been developed specifically for community health workers by Bettercare. Much of the contents and learning methodology has been adapted from the Perinatal Education Programme course books for health professionals.

We acknowledge all the participants of the Skills to Care Learning Programme who have made suggestions and offered constructive criticism during the development of this course book. It is only through constant feedback from colleagues and participants that the content of the course book can be improved.

Bettercare would like to gratefully acknowledge the contribution of Small Projects Foundation (SPF) in supporting this pilot project.

SPF is a conscientious non-governmental organisation that has contributed to community empowerment and development in the Eastern Cape and across South Africa. Established in January 1988, SPF is a community development and training trust that operates under the governance of a non-remunerated Board of Trustees. SPF specialises in the areas of project management, social marketing, development facilitation, training, innovative development, research and evaluation.

Kistefos AS provided a generous grant to Small Project Foundation to fund the development and production of this booklet.

Editor: Prof David Woods

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