How to use Bettercare books

Each Bettercare book contains the curriculum and study material for a course. If you lead a study group or manage formal training, our books make your job easier.

Bettercare books have helped thousands of nurses, midwives, doctors and students increase their knowledge, boost their confidence, and improve patient care.

  1. Choose a book

    Each participant should have access to the book. They can read it online for free: just tap its cover on our home page.

    Many people prefer to learn on paper. You can also buy copies of our books.

  2. Start a study group

    Learning with Bettercare works best when participants meet in study groups, where they can learn from and motivate each other.

    Each study group should have a facilitator, who takes responsibility for organising the group. Anyone can be a facilitator, they don’t need to be an expert. They should read our facilitator’s guide.

  3. Test your knowledge

    Self-evaluation is the most important part of learning. For every chapter, each participant takes the short chapter quiz before and after studying that chapter. This way, they see their knowledge improve, and can spot and fix the gaps in their knowledge.

Buy books

Did you know? Training and learning can be easier on paper. Buy our books now, or order in bulk at low cost.