
  1. About the book
  2. About the author and editors
  3. Reviews
  4. Acknowledgements
  5. Introduction
    1. About Bettercare
    2. Why decentralised learning?
    3. Free Bettercare Online Learning Platform
    4. Learning programmes
    5. Format of the courses
    6. Contributors
    7. Updating the course material
    8. Contact information
    9. Registration
  6. 1 Role and structure of infection prevention and control programmes
    1. Objectives
    2. Introduction to infection prevention and control programmes
    3. Structure and function of infection prevention and control programmes
    4. Education of healthcare workers
    5. Audits in infection prevention and control
    6. Policy development in infection prevention and control
    7. Report writing in infection prevention and control
    8. Occupational health and safety programmes
    9. Case studies
  7. 2 Micro-organisms of relevance to infection prevention and control
    1. Objectives
    2. Introduction
    3. Pathogenic micro-organisms
    4. Basic anatomy and physiology of bacteria
    5. Fungi, viruses and parasites
    6. Transmission of micro-organisms
    7. Defences against infection
    8. Healthcare-associated infections (HAI)
    9. The role of the laboratory
    10. Control of communicable diseases
    11. Case studies
  8. 3 Risk management in IPC
    1. Objectives
    2. Risk assessment in IPC
    3. Risk management in IPC
    4. Standard and transmission-based precautions
    5. Use of personal protective equipment
    6. Injection safety and re-use prevention devices
    7. Care bundles
    8. Case studies
  9. 4 Hand hygiene
    1. Objectives
    2. Infection transmission via hands
    3. Introduction to hand hygiene
    4. Principles of hand hygiene
    5. Alcohol-based handrubs
    6. Facilities for optimal hand hygiene
    7. Hand hygiene compliance
    8. Case studies
  10. 5 Infection prevention and control considerations for healthcare facility design
    1. Objectives
    2. Healthcare facility design
    3. General wards and clinics
    4. Isolation areas
    5. Specialised areas
    6. Support services
    7. Case studies
  11. 6 Environmental cleaning, waste management and decontamination of medical devices
    1. Objectives
    2. Environmental cleaning
    3. Waste management
    4. Decontamination of medical devices
    5. The role of the sterile services department (SSD)
    6. Case studies
  12. 7 Surveillance and outbreak investigation in low-resource settings
    1. Objectives
    2. Surveillance of healthcare-associated infections (HAI)
    3. Outbreak investigation
    4. Case studies
  13. 8 Tuberculosis infection prevention and control
    1. Objectives
    2. Tuberculosis in low-resource settings
    3. Tuberculosis transmission
    4. Diagnosis of tuberculosis
    5. Drug-resistant tuberculosis
    6. Global tuberculosis control
    7. Tuberculosis infection prevention and control (TB-IPC)
    8. Administrative control measures
    9. Environmental control measures
    10. Respiratory protection control measures
    11. Healthcare worker adherence to tuberculosis control measures
    12. Occupational health services for tuberculosis
    13. Tuberculosis prevention in the community
    14. Case studies
  14. 9 Antimicrobial stewardship
    1. Objectives
    2. Antimicrobial resistance
    3. Antimicrobial stewardship
    4. Antimicrobial stewardship programmes
    5. The role of IPC in antimicrobial stewardship
    6. Tools for antimicrobial stewardship
    7. Case studies
  15. 10 COVID-19
    1. Objectives
    2. Introduction to COVID-19
    3. How to prevent the spread of COVID-19
    4. Clinical features of COVID-19
    5. Management of people with suspected coronavirus infection
    6. Management of patients with mild COVID-19
    7. Management of patients with moderate or severe COVID-19
    8. Protecting healthcare workers
    9. Vaccines against COVID-19
    10. Case studies
  16. Addendum: Resources for infection prevention and control
    1. Websites
    2. Guideline and policy documents
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