
The include image tag

To add an image, you can use standard kramdown syntax, as described above, but then you’ll be missing a key feature of this template: your user’s browser won’t fetch the size of image best suited to their device.

Instead, to get responsive images, use this image tag:

{% include image file="foobar.jpg" %}

where foobar.jpg is the original filename of the image.

If necessary, you can add extra attributes to the image:

For example:

{% include image file="foobar.jpg" class="example" alt="An example image." id="anyuniqueid" position="top" %}

For accessibility, it’s important to always include a description of the image as alt text, unless the image is purely decorative.

You can also use src="foobar.jpg" instead of file="foobar.jpg", if you’re used to standard HTML img syntax, which uses src.

Image size

In PDF output, you can use a class to specify the exact height of the image in lines. This is important if you’re maintaining a baseline grid on your pages. For instance, {:.height-15} will limit the image to a height of fifteen lines.

{% include image file="foobar.jpg" class="height-15" %}

CSS tip: If you’re having trouble with SVGs having space around them, in your CSS make sure you set the height of the img element. SVGs are inline elements by default, and will add white space around them.

Standard markdown image syntax

You can also use standard markdown to embed images:

![A description of the image](../{{ site.image-set }}/filename.svg)

Let’s break that down:

However, it is usually simpler and you’ll get better HTML if you use the include image tag described above. For example, you don’t need to worry about the paths to images in translations.

Images in translations

If you are using standasrd markdown iamge syntax, and you are creating a translation, and your images are in the parent language’s folder, you need to change the path to the images slightly. You have three options:

  1. From version 0.10 of the template, you can use {{ images }} metadata tag, which will always create the correct path to your images. At the top of your markdown file, add {% include metadata %}`, so that you can use metadata variables in that file.
  2. In older versions of the template: use the {{ path-to-book-directory }} metadata tag. At the top of your markdown file, add {% include metadata %}, so that you can use metadata variables in that file. Then instead of any ../s, you use the tag: {{ path-to-book-directory }}{{ site.image-set }}/filename.jpg.

    Even if you’re not in a translation folder, it’s good practice to always use the {{ path-to-book-directory }} tag for maximum portability, if you don’t mind having the {% include metadata %} tag at the top of your files. Ultimately this image include will look like this: ![A description of the image]({{ path-to-book-directory }}{{ site.image-set }}/filename.jpg)

  3. In very old versions of the template: add another ../ for each directory level. So if your translation text is in book/fr, and your images are in the book folder, you need to come up two levels before going into book/images. So your path is ../../{{ site.image-set }}/filename.jpg.

    Ultimately, your image include will be ![A description of the image](../../{{ site.image-set }}/filename.jpg).

Images over a double-page-spread

There is no easy way to put images over a double-page spread, but there is a way to hack it.

Of course, images across a DPS are not an ebook or web issue (if an ereader or browser shows ‘pages’ as a DPS, we have no control over it anyway). They are only a print issue. The problem is that PrinceXML does not provide a mechanism for placing images (or any element) across a spread.

In short, what we do is:

  1. Place the image twice, each in a div HTML element.
  2. Using PrinceXML’s next modifier for floats, we float the div elements on the first and second pages of the DPS respectively.
  3. Inside each div, we position the image so that, on the left, only the left half of the image shows; and on the right, only the right half of the image shows.

This all depends on placing your image reference in a way that the first blockquote–image falls on a left-hand page.

Here’s a step-by-step guide using example code:

  1. The image itself must be in the right aspect ratio. This method cannot (yet) resize or crop your image for you with CSS. In this example here, the image must be 270×120 (landscape), including an allowance for 5mm bleed.
  2. In the markdown text file, place the image twice, each inside a div, and tag the first instance {:.dps-left} and the second {:.dps-right}.

    <div class="dps-left">
       {% include image file="lion.tif" %}
    <div class="dps-right">
       {% include image file="lion.tif" %}
  3. Hide the second instance of the image in any web, app or epub CSS:

    /* Hide second instance of images intended for DPS in print */
    .dps-right {
      display: none;
  4. In print CSS, use this. Follow the comments to modify sizes to suit your page size and layout:

    /* DPS images */
    .dps-left {
       float: top;
       text-align: left;
       /* Start the image in the page bleed top left */
       margin: -20mm 0 10mm -5mm;
       /* Page width plus one side's bleed, e.g. 130mm wide plus 5mm bleed */
       width: 135mm;
       /* Exact height of the image */
       height: 120mm;
    .dps-right {
       float: top next;
       text-align: right;
       /* Place the image in the page bleed top right */
       margin: -20mm 0 10mm -5mm;
       /* Page width plus one side's bleed, e.g. 130mm wide plus 5mm bleed */
       width: 135mm;
       /* Exact height of the image */
       height: 120mm;
    .dps-left img {
       position: absolute;
       left: -5mm;
       /* Must be exactly double the width above */
       width: 270mm;
       /* Must be the same as the height above */
       max-height: 120mm;
    .dps-right img {
       position: absolute;
       right: -5mm;
       /* Ditto */
       width: 270mm;
       /* Ditto */
       max-height: 120mm;

That’s all based on these page settings. Yours may differ, affecting your margins, heights and widths accordingly:

@page {
   size: 130mm 200mm;
   margin-top: 15mm;
   margin-bottom: 20mm;
   margin-outside: 0;
   margin-inside: 0;
   prince-bleed: 5mm;
   prince-trim: 5mm;

We’ve done very little testing with this so far, so your results may vary.

There is another example in the template’s issues on GitHub.