Designing books

The design of your books is created in CSS stylesheets. These are written in Sass or CSS syntax. Each book’s styles folder has a dedicated stylesheet for each output format:

By default, the screen PDF inherits its styles from the print PDF design, except for trim and crop marks (none on screen PDF) and the colour profile (RBG in screen PDF, CMYK in print PDF). Also by default, the app inherits the web styles.

Some aspects of design are easy for non-technical users to change. Some advanced design features need to be coded by an experienced CSS developer. Get started, and see how you go.

Book, template, base, and custom styles

The Electric Book template has a flexible but complex system for styling at different levels.

Editing custom styles

Usually, you’ll define styles for all the books in your project by editing only the files in _sass/custom. Any colours, variables, @imports or CSS/Sass rules there will override the template styles.

The variables, imports, rules and partials for a base design are organised in the same way.

Non-book styles in assets

Web and app outputs of your project include pages that are not inside a book, like the landing index page, contact and about. In the same way that each book has a styles folder, these pages get their styles from assets/styles, which also then include the template, custom and base styles.