Quick start

You can create a new project online in just a few minutes. You will need a free GitHub account.

If you’re comfortable using the Electric Book template on your own, enjoy! If you need professional assistance, you can hire Electric Book Works. We are always happy to have a friendly conversation about what’s possible.

Create a new project

  1. Go to github.com/electricbookworks/electric-book and click ‘Use this template’. Follow the prompts to create a new repository for your project.

  2. Your new project on GitHub will have a URL that looks like https://github.com/your-name/your-project-name/.

    On that page, click in the address bar and, at the start of the address, insert gitpod.io/#. So the edited URL will look like this:


    Hit Enter. This will send your project repository to Gitpod. Follow the prompts, which will create a virtual machine online, and open an editing interface for you on Gitpod.

Generate a website

  1. After a few minutes, when the Gitpod Terminal is ready, enter this command to serve a website of your project:

    npm run electric-book -- output
  2. When prompted, choose the ‘Open in browser’ option, which will open a new tab. Add /electric-book/ to the address in the address bar. E.g.:

  3. You should see the home page of your website. For now, it will be identical to the template’s home page. From here, you can make the project your own by adding content and changing the design (more detail below).

    Note that the template includes two books:

    • book: a bare-bones book to start working in; and
    • samples: a long book containing loads of examples.

    To add your own text from a Word file, see ‘Setting up a book’ > ‘Importing a text file’.

  4. To stop your website, in order to run other processes, in the Gitpod terminal press Ctrl + C.

Generate PDFs

To generate a print-ready PDF of the samples book, enter:

npm run electric-book -- output --book samples --format print-pdf

To generate a screen PDF (aka ‘PDF ebook’) of the samples book, enter:

npm run electric-book -- output --book samples --format screen-pdf

Generate an EPUB

To generate an EPUB of the samples book, enter:

npm run electric-book -- output --book samples --format epub

Edit and design the book

  1. Open _data/works/[book]/default.yml (where [book] is the name of your new book folder) and replace the sample information there with your project and book information.

  2. In the book’s folder (e.g. the book and samples directories are the template’s book folders), edit and add markdown files. If you create new files, add their names to the files and nav lists in _data/works/[book]/default.yml.

  3. To change the design, edit the .scss files for each output format. You create project-wide styles in _sass, and book-specific styles in book/styles. We recommend making all modifications in _sass/custom.

    See the ‘Design’ section for more information, including importing existing base designs.